Monday, August 31, 2009

Running way off schedule today so I had to make this a short day at the gym. Class starts today and I have so much crap to do on top of that! Enough complaining.

In 10 minutes of conditioning, I did 166 calories on the Precor- resistance 100.

Did pretty well on the weights as well, if I do say so.

Pull ups: 30 in 5 sets

Bent over rows: 30 lbs x 3 sets x 10 reps

Chest press: 20 lbs x 3 sets x 10 reps

Plie squats: 30 lbs x 10 reps
35 lbs x 10 reps
40 lbs x 10 reps

Overhead press machine: 15 lbs x 10 reps
17.5 x 2 sets x 10 reps

Friday, August 28, 2009

Lat Pulldowns: 70 lbs x 3 sets x 15 reps

Seated Row: 40 lbs x 2 sets x 15 reps
45 lbs x 15 reps

Plie squats: 15 lbs x 15 reps
30 lbs x 2 sets x 15 reps

Tricep extensions: 10 lbs x 3 sets x 15 reps

Dbell curls: 10 lbs x 3 sets x 15 reps

Overhead press machine: 15 lbs x 3 sets x 15 reps

Thank god the week is over. I think this has been one of the longest shortened weeks!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hopped on a few different machines to make the 40 minutes go faster- Nothing felt right for some reason. I know I was putting my all into it, but it didn't feel right. I dunno. So finally, I settled on the ol' faithful- the elliptical. I worked hard though on all machines that I hopped on (and off).

Work is kicking my ass triple time. I take back ANY complaints that I ever made over the past 6 years of teaching. This year tops the complaint mill and I am trying to be positive- heck, it's only the 4th day of school.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Conditioning today.

Worked out on the elliptical for 30 minutes. 400 calories, average heart rate 146. I thought that was pretty good considering my iPod died on me and general routine mix up. I beat my old record for 30 minutes, so that made me happy.

I really have to get this eating thing under control. I am barely hitting 600 calories by 4:00. I eat when I come home, but that screws up my Snap time, as I have to wait to digest a little before I have a go at it. I am sure that once my routine pans out, I should be ok. I SHOULD be. :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Trained with Sean.

No conditioning due to complete first day craziness!

Monday, August 17, 2009

What a day! I went back to school today to start setting up my room... I thought I was ready, but I am not. Spent a good majority of the day there.

Hurt my food baad yesterday when I was helping my Dad with the pool house and pool crap. Being sure of my strength (bad choice #1), I offered to stand on a wobbly shower chair (bad choice #2) and load about 20 lbs of water blocks (things to hold down the cover in the winter) onto a shelf that was about 10 feet in the air (bad choice #3). Mind you, that lifting ivolved shoving 20 lbs about 4 feet over my head. So, like I said, bragging about being strong, I did it. Effortless. Sure, I can do a few more bundles. The chair was wobbling bad, which in turn, was making me nervous. About 2nd round, I lose my confidence and it all comes crashing down on the top of my foot. NASTY black and blues all over the top of my foot. Bruises keep spreading and multiplying LITERALLY hour by hour. It hurts pretty bad, but I am sure nothing is broken. It just looks really nasty and is ouchie. I have to wear flip flops, which I love, but doesn't really help when your foot hurts. Normal shoes press on the top of my foot. By tomorow I am going to make myself wear sneakers as Wednesday I will be doing a crap load of walking, quahogging, and swimming.

Conditioning- 1 hour of swimming- continously- no floating, etc.

Training- not today between the hospital, classroom and boo boo foot.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Took the day off.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Took the day off.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I would like to believe my little "emotional outbursts" helped me to be lighter on my feet, but I doubt that. Somehow, I managed to do 3 miles at the track in 38:38. Talk about killing my previous record! It was hot, I was grumpy, and dealt with these awful stomach/side/digestion cramps.. But I did it!

Another "Only in Bethel" moment. So, obviously, I was at the track, ignoring the world and doing my thing to my iPod. Suddenly, I hear something that sounded like a goose squawking behind me. Mind you, I listen to my music pretty loud and often get lost in it. So I take out my headphones, look around, and see nothing. Then, just as I put my headphones on again, I see a very interesting sight. An older man was standing diagonal to my car. Looked closer only to see that he was playing the bagpipes!! Just him and his bagpipes. The squawk that I heard was that noise that initially is produced when they are filling the bag up and tuning it. Not something you see everyday. Here's the best part- I hadn't stopped my music, and when I put it back on, Dr. Demento's They're Coming to Take Me Away was playing. Classic!

Trained with Sean this morning- no new numbers to report!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My laptop battery is going to die in a moment, so we'll make this quick.

For conditioning this morning, I divided my time between the Precor, Cybex and treadmill. I didn't really watch my calories from machine to machine, I just wanted to give each my all, no matter calories or heart rate.

I have to go back and add in my training from yesterday.

Monday, August 10, 2009

My Uncle was admitted to the hospital this weekend.. Which is a good thing and a bad thing. Bad thing because it means he is very sick. Good thing is that he is one floor below my Aunt. God bless the nurse who gets my Uncle. That nurse will either end up ordering an emergency castration or enough sleeping pills to put him into a deep sleep.

Went to the gym this morning- I was intending to go to the gym this morning, but all hell broke loose here with the pool, so I had to take care of that (my parents are away at my Dad's corporate thing). 30 minutes on the Precor- 340 calories. I don't know why I didn't count the cool down too.. I really am losing my mind. Focus is non-existent!

Heading out to do some training in an hour or so.

All the normal pre-training stuff: Check!

Pull ups: 6 sets to get to 30

Chest press: 20 lbs x 3 sets x 10 reps

Bent over rows: 25 lbs x 3 sets x 10 reps

Squats: 15 lbs x 3 sets x 10 reps

Overhead press: 10 lbs x 3 sets x 10 reps

Friday, August 7, 2009

Now I know what time NOT to go to the track- 5:30. There were a lot of hardcore runners who seemed annoyed with my jogging. I tried to move out of the way, but when you did, you'd be in the way of another. Ah well, I managed.

30 minutes- 2.25 miles. I would have pushed and tried to go for 40 minutes to see where I could get, but the stupid Lawn Doctor was there. I was feeling terribly nauseous after breathing in those wonderful chemicals for all that time.

Training later on this afternoon.

Dbell overhead press: 15 lbs x 15
10 lbs x 2 sets x 15 reps

Dbell squats: 15 lbs x 3 sets x 15 reps (Struggled slightly, but did it!)

Dbell curls: 10 lbs x 2 sets x 15 reps
15 lbs x 15

DBell tricep extensions (bench): 10 lbs x 3 sets x 15 reps

Seated row: 40 lbs x 3 sets x 15 reps

Lat pulldowns: 55 lbs x 3 sets x 15 reps

..Foam rolling, stretching, balance, etc as well.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

4.0 on my final.. 4.0 on my paper.. 4.0 on my midterm.. 4.0 on my discussions.

All averaged together to be 4.0

Exactly half of my Masters is complete (15 credits)- 4.0 overall GPA (Damn I'm a nerd!). I really wish they offered scholarships, etc to part-timers. I certainly have the grades for it, as well as all the extras they look for. Hrumph. Ah well.
I have been slacking on here, as a few of my readers mentioned. Considering I only have a few readers, I took that as a hint that I need to get back into routine.

Finally checked the names of the elliptical. The *other* elliptical is a Cybex. So we'll be calling it that from now on.

410 calories in 30 mins on the Cybex. As with the other elliptical, I need to work on improving that. We'll get there. What else..Hm. Oh, trained with Sean yesterday, and am not liking him today. I'm sore, but I worked through it anyway and feel good now, so I don't hate him AS much now ;) I didn't work out on Tuesday due to an emergency hospital visit.

Look for a better update tomorrow- my brain is fried right now.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Did conditioning AFTER weights today. I just wanted to change it up a bit.

I switched to 30 minutes. With cool down, I got to 402 calories. Definitely need to improve that. I used the original elliptical machine, not the *other* one. I really need to figure out the brand names so I can refer to them properly.

Thankfully, there was only 1 other person (who was working with the other trainer) while I was doing my conditioning.. I am so far into delirium that the stupidest things amuse me. I normally don't watch the TV when working out, but today, I kept glancing up. There was a commerical for the Scooter Store. Has anyone seen that one? This little old lady is being pushed in her chair by her daughter (?), and a guy from the Scooter Store presents the lady with a shiny red scooter. The daughter and the Store guy are talking and poor ol' granny is going in circles with one arm in the air (much like riding a mechanical bull). Don't they see her?! I have no idea why this struck me as funny, but I started cracking up. Not normal laughing, but the type when you can't hold it in any more and you just burst into laughter. I honestly could not control myself.. Finally, the infomerical stopped and I stared at the floor to try to regain control... Thank god for the little things in life- even if it causes much embarassment. Stupid, stupid.

I'll update on training later. I am going to try to hit the pool before I got to the hospital.