Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Legs Day
Medium Carb

Cardio: 40 mins interval treadmill, tops at 3.2 mph, average heart rate 140 something- the machine doesn't calculate it, but my heart rate rarely deviated from that level. NO hands, ma!

Romanian Deadlifts: 20 lbs x 10
30 lbs x 10
35 lbs x 10
45 lbs x 10
(I think I need to cut back to 40's next time, but some dude was swinging them around as he was talking to some girl. Very obxious.. But I had to laugh because when she walked away, he dropped them immediately and sat down, rubbing his arms. CLASSIC!)

Ab Machine: 60 lbs x 12
55 lbs x 12
50 lbs x 12

Leg Extensions: 65 lbs x 20
70 lbs x 20
70 lbs x 20

Seated Leg Curls: 70 lbs x 12
75 lbs x 12
75 lbs x 12
80 lbs x 12

Lunges: (Body weight) 3 sets x 10

The Swine has entered Bethel.. Dun dun dun! Via my school, which is even more fun!

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