Thursday, November 19, 2009

Today was a horrible day. Since about 5:02 am until now, at 8:33 pm. I try to find at least one positive thing on those crappy days.. Today, I am happy that my legs finally feel normal from Monday's workout. I walk with a slight drunkards swagger, but at least I can sit normally today.. I am talking about the WHOLE motion of sitting- lowering yourself and then getting back up.

Anyway, did my conditioning uber late. Well late for me. Intervals on Precor- 330 calories in 30 minutes.

*Edit* Forgot to put in food.

Should have been: 40, 90, 150
I did: 37.0, 87.2, 150.8

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Positive thing: We haz an us.
