Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Not going to backdate my entries and fill in for the weekend. My food went well, as always. Class started last night. This class is going to stink, but then again, any class with this professor does! You guys have heard some of the stories!

Should be: 40, 60, 150
I did: 41.5, 60.4, 149.9

30 minutes on Cybex, 435 calories. A high school aged dude was working out next to me and he kept looking over at my machine. He kinda did the casual lean-back -as -you -are -working -out -to -see -the -machine -next -to -you move. I am assuming he was looking at my machine display. 100 resistance. A few minutes later, I glanced over and he attempted that level.. Within (literally) a minute, he went back to his 15 resistance. Awesome- Jess:1 HS kid:0!

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