Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Freaking A. Total pain today. I was really reluctant to work out, but I did it anyway. I really don't like whining, but this occasion calls for it!

Should be: 40, 200, 150
I did: 40.7, 201.5, 149.1

50 minutes on the Cybex- 552 calories. Totally sloppy but... yeah.. we know why.

W1: 10 x 10 lbs
W2: 10 x 15 lbs
3 sets x 14 reps x 20 lbs

Leg press:
W1: 12 x 70 lbs
3 sets x 16 reps x 110 lbs

W1: 8 x 25 lbs
W2: 8 x 30 lbs
3 sets x 10 reps x 35 lbs

Seated leg curl: (The pressure of the lap pad drove me through the roof. PaIn!)
1 set x 12 reps x 50 lbs
1 set x 12 reps x 60 lbs
2 sets x 12 reps x 65 lbs

1 comment:

Sean O'Malley said...

It's only going to get worse.
