Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My parents recently got a new car, and in switching around cars, my Dad found a seat belt extender that they needed to buy so I could be properly restrained. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but looking back, I wonder how I didn't see it. I needed the extender and it was still tight on me. Blah. My Dad gave it to me to put with my "big girl" pants. You guys know the story of the pants.. Size 32. Another "WTF, Jess?!" moment. Didn't I see that something was screwed up when I had to go to multiple states to find dressy pants? Didn't I see that the 32's were tight? Oh well, that's the past, and I can't focus on that. I also can't forget it.

Had to miss yesterday- my class is KILLING me. 7 hours on ONE assignment. For those of you who know my gripe with her- it's even worse when you deal with her for the entire semester. Oy. Anyway.

Conditioning- Only did 20 minutes.

Busted my tush with training today. Worked on the new routine- went ok. However, I really wanted to do the BOSU squats, but the other trainer was using it and I was too chicken to ask to use it.

Plie Squats- 3 sets x 15 reps x 35 lbs
1 set x 15 reps x 40 lbs

Seated Leg Curl: 2 sets x 12 reps x 70 lbs
2 sets x 12 reps x 75 lbs

Romanian Deadlifts: 2 sets x 12 reps x 35 lbs
2 sets x 12 reps x 40 lbs

Had to substitute and I didn't have the list with me, so I went for:

Leg Extensions: 2 sets x 12 reps x 55 lbs
1 set x 12 reps x 60 lbs

Ab Machine: 4 sets x 12 reps x 50 lbs

Stretching, rolling, etc.

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