Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My parents recently got a new car, and in switching around cars, my Dad found a seat belt extender that they needed to buy so I could be properly restrained. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but looking back, I wonder how I didn't see it. I needed the extender and it was still tight on me. Blah. My Dad gave it to me to put with my "big girl" pants. You guys know the story of the pants.. Size 32. Another "WTF, Jess?!" moment. Didn't I see that something was screwed up when I had to go to multiple states to find dressy pants? Didn't I see that the 32's were tight? Oh well, that's the past, and I can't focus on that. I also can't forget it.

Had to miss yesterday- my class is KILLING me. 7 hours on ONE assignment. For those of you who know my gripe with her- it's even worse when you deal with her for the entire semester. Oy. Anyway.

Conditioning- Only did 20 minutes.

Busted my tush with training today. Worked on the new routine- went ok. However, I really wanted to do the BOSU squats, but the other trainer was using it and I was too chicken to ask to use it.

Plie Squats- 3 sets x 15 reps x 35 lbs
1 set x 15 reps x 40 lbs

Seated Leg Curl: 2 sets x 12 reps x 70 lbs
2 sets x 12 reps x 75 lbs

Romanian Deadlifts: 2 sets x 12 reps x 35 lbs
2 sets x 12 reps x 40 lbs

Had to substitute and I didn't have the list with me, so I went for:

Leg Extensions: 2 sets x 12 reps x 55 lbs
1 set x 12 reps x 60 lbs

Ab Machine: 4 sets x 12 reps x 50 lbs

Stretching, rolling, etc.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Spent hours upon hours walking at the Big E. Good times and interesting times. It was my cheat meal, so I walked in prepared to go crazy at every food stand that I found. After watching the people around me eating, I suddenly started to realize I didn't want to engage in that- I didn't need to. I went up to many stands, waited on line and at the last minute, backed out.

I ended up getting a corn dog (the small one- I couldn't rationalize eating a 16" hot dog.), a Del's Lemon drink thing (OHMIGOD, heaven. I usually get a little one in RI with Jac as a cheat.. However, I went full out and got a "regular" sized one!). What else did I have..? 4 boneless buffalo wings and a Dunkin Donuts hot chocolate. My Mom bought a mondo half sour pickle, and I took bites of that- I did eat gobs of the pickled garlic that was stuck to it. Jac and Mom split a bag of clam cakes.. I had literally 3 or 4 little fritters. And that was really it! I totally wanted to eat everything in sight.. I thought I handled it very well.. At least we did a lot of walking- not enough to counteract the food, but enough to make me think I was doing something good ;)

Squeezed in conditioning before meeting with Sean today- 100 calories on the strange cloud-walker type machine. Trained with Sean.. Kinda bummed that I didn't do better, but I did my best!

With Sean and Theresa's support, I am going to try a new nutritionist. Let's cross our fingers- something has GOT to help!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Even though my legs were killing me, I decided to do hills in my backyard. The hill isn't anywhere near intense as the ones near the track, but they were bad! 20 minutes, 162 calories. I wasn't running them- however- I worked up a good sweat and got nice and red.

I did train today. I will start my new routine on Monday.

Pull ups: 3 x 12 (HARD!)

Dbell row: 3 sets x 12 x 25 lbs

Chest press machine: 12 x 15 lbs
12 x 30 lbs
12 x 35 lbs

Deadlifts: 12 x 30 lbs
12 x 35 lbs
12 x 40 lbs

Split squats: 3 sets x 10 x 15 lbs

....At least my upper body doesnt hurt any more ;)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Man, 2 little weeks can make a huge difference in strength training! I trained on Monday with Sean and then again today. Not to complain, but holy hell, I am sore! I hadn't recovered from Monday but figured that I could handle it. I had to put forth a LOT of effort. Ah well, got done what I needed to do :) Tomorrow is going to be interesting, although I am hoping less ouchy.

Foam roller, stretching, etc

Lat pull down: 15 x 55 lbs

15 x 60 lbs
15 x 60 lbs

Seated row: 3 sets x 15 x 40 lbs

Overhead machine press: 15 x 10 lbs
15 x 12.5 lbs
15 x 15 lbs

Ab machine: 3 sets x 15 x 55 lbs

Squats: 3 sets x 15 x 15 lbs

Bicep curls: 15 x 10 lbs
15 x 10 lbs
15 x 15 lbs (not a smart move!)

Tricep extension: 3 sets x 15 x 10 lbs

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Back in the saddle again!

Chest is super sore from working with Sean yesterday- it is kinda comforting to be sore again.. If that makes any sense.

I walked around the industrial park near Bethel Health Care today instead of doing conditioning at the gym. 36 minutes, 244 calories. I would have liked to walk/jog more, but I was walking with my Mom.. Enough said! On Thursday, I think I am going to go outside for conditioning again. Not sure if I will hit up Huntington.. I might go to Putnam instead. We'll see what the weather holds for us.

Alrighty, off to do school work.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Coughing, wheezing and hacking like an old lady, but I completed 30 mins of conditioning at Snap. 363 calories- average heart rate 136 on the Precor.

Today was the first time I went to the gym since last Friday. Craziness!

I'm still standin'

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sick yesterday, sick today.

I am not used to giving in to my sickness. This sucks! Obviously no gym yesterday and unless a miracle happens, I won't be going again today.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

So.. On my list things never to do again- today.

I went straight from school to the nursing home until 6:15'ish and then went straight to work out. Last meal was at 12:15 and I had only consumed 630 calories up to that point. Pushed really hard on the elliptical, did 30 minutes and got to 387 calories (beat yesterday's calories!). My legs started to go kinda tingly-mushy-numbish when towards the end. A better description.. You are outside, and your thighs go numb from being so cold.. And you're walking- that sensation of your jeans rubbing against frozen numb skin... I dunno, it went away when I stopped, so I am not concerned. I kept with it and kept pushing, but I am not gonna do that again.

My new theme song is "I'm Still Standin' "

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

366 calories on elliptical.. 146 average heart rate. Thought I would have done better, but I'll take it!

Almost another week down. I can do this, and I know with time, it will get easier. I am just waiting for when fate decides when the time is right. Today I got a letter from a parent of a particularly challenging student (you guys know which one- my little friend who needs .. well .. "protective holding") complimenting me, so that's one huge positive of the day! The letter went to the Sp.Ed. director and principal, so woohoo! I also was nominated to represent the Sp.Ed. department (for the entire district) on the superintendent's leadership cadre.

Going off to collapse now!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mom is uber sick so I am on nursing home run solo for the week, at least. Today was my Aunt and Uncle, tomorrow is G-ma. Fun!

Just got home and need to finish up work- I am going to try to go to the gym later tonight. Try.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Precor- 370 calories; average heart rate 141 (though I thought it was higher!)

I really need to figure out how to spread out my food during the day. By the time I get home at 4'ish, I have only consumed about 700 calories or less. Usually less. A huge majority of my calories are consumed at dinner, and it always leaves me feeling blah. I just don't have time during the day to eat- and I am not just whining and moaning. I have NO planning, NO lunch and I need to be in 4 places at once. Honestly, they expect me to be in 4 classrooms at once. Aweeeesome. I eat as I go between classrooms, but usually I have one hand on the back of a child's shirt, and a data binder in the other. If I have an out of body experience, I'd LOVE to see myself during the day. I probably look like such a dope! But anyway. At least I know I have to work on that.

My numbers aren't really changing this week, but I'll keep at it. It's girl time. Again, I am not using that as an excuse, but that is a factor. Plus stress. Plus life. Gah! Oh well, I will trudge along!

Aunt Carole is being moved to Bethel Health Care on Monday. Uncle Billy has already been admitted there. G-ma is declining terribly at Putnam.. Fowl play-negligence-stupidity may be a factor.. We need to increase our presence there. Bleh.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Half way through the week.. Oh man. This year is seriously going to be the end of me! But let's try to stay positive and dwell on the fact that I escape daily without bruises :)

Precor- 380 calories


Pull ups: 3 x 12

Dbell row: 25 lbs x 3 sets x 12 reps

Chest press: 20 lbs x 3 sets x 12 reps- I wasn't happy with my form on the last few so I did an extra 5 to make up for it :-p

Deadlifts: 35 lbs x 3 sets x 12 reps

Split squats: Area was way overcrowded and all benches were used- so I did split lunges 3 x 10