Monday, July 20, 2009

Spent a lot of time in the ocean yesterday.. Jac was trying to teach me how to body surf, but I was still on remedial jumping over/with the waves. I did awesome by the end of our time- I knew when to jump (and how!), as well as when to just go under the wave or what not. RI waves are NOTHING like Florida waves; and Florida waves I can do! We walked against the current and waves to get away from the red tide, which was a workout in itself. Ewwww, grossness too. I really needed time to get away, which was nice.. Just wish we could have stayed longer!

Anyway, tredmill for cardio today.. I didn't really have a goal, I just walked. 300 calories- I guess I can try to beat that next time? But as I said, I didn't have a goal in mind, I just wanted to work up a good sweat.

Training went well, for the most part.

Warm up: Elliptical- 5 minutes

Foam roll: Quads, adductors, glutes

Dynamic stretch: Hip cross overs (floor), iron cross, straight leg raises

Floor work: Ball reverse crunch, ball hip crossovers

Stability ball: Reverse hyperextensions, bridges

Balance: Single leg deadlifts

Pull up machine: 112 assist- took 10 sets to get to 50.. Yuck!

Bent over Dbell rows: 20 lbs x 12
20 lbs x 12
25 lbs x 12

Dbell chest press: 20 lbs x 3 sets x 12 reps

Dbell squats: (butt touched every time!) 10 lbs x 3 sets x 10 reps

Dbell overhead press: 15 lbs x 3 sets x 10 reps

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