Tuesday, October 13, 2009

In the words of one of my students-- "That was not so cool". I do not like that I am getting sick so often. I went from NEVER being sick to always being sick. Stress sucks. Aunt is home, we're primary caretaker for her. Uncle is back in the hospital yet again, and may have to look into hospice care. He is pretty much checking himself out. Gma is declining big time. I am offering as much help as I can. School, Masters, and everything is kicking my ass. I need to stop bitching, I know.. But I also need to remember that I am not superwoman as much as I'd like to think I am.

Yesterday I trained with Sean.. Kinda hard, but I tried to keep pace and strength. I showed up running on empty with nearly no food in my stomach. Yesterday was my first day of normal food- extremely limited at that.

Today, I ate slightly more, but not too much more. Things are still not up to par.

Intervals on the bike today. 25 mins total.

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